Fresh McKenzie Winter Fest Benefit for Ava Sophia Daniels

February 11, 2013  •  1 Comment

Yesterday I had the pleasure of taking part in a fantastic Winter Fest at Fresh McKenzie farm!  There was so much to do for kids and adults alike... bouncy castle, pony rides, carnival throwing games, plus helicopter rides and a massive bonfire!!  The blue grass band playing sounded awesome and the food was delicious!!  But the best part of the day was not what you could do but who you were doing it for.  Ava Sophia Daniels is a 5 year old little girl who has been battling cancer since she was two.  I have not had the honor of meeting Miss Ava, nor do I know her family, but she and her warrior spirit have clearly struck a chord with this community.  Kudos to John and Stacey McKenzie for opening their farm and their hearts to this little girl with the great smile... I was so pleased to take in the atmosphere and document some of the happenings.  I will pass on the majority of the photos to the organizers but I wanted to share a few of my personal favorite bits of the day!  I can't wait to go back to the farm and take my own children!  (FYI the McKenzie's have an Easter Egg Hunt coming up in March~ check their website as it gets closer for more details!)






Can you say ridiculously adorable?  And tolerant... these ponies were poked at all day and barely heard a neigh out of them!! 


Abby bonding with Pete, one of the very patient ponies of Patti's Pet Parade!  

All of the ponies giving rides yesterday worked hard for their supper & I have many photos of smiling kiddos as a result! Abby had a blast helping out. We were both so appreciative to have a tiny role in such an important day... the weather was cold but our hearts were warm.  


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Debbie Weishaar(non-registered)
Great pics. Looks like you and Abby had a great day and it sounds like everyone did as well. Great cause you were part of. Keep up the good work.
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