Grand Opening and Other Little (very, very little) Things!

March 16, 2013  •  1 Comment

This week saw some really exciting changes!  To start, we finished work on my studio.  I had a studio in Abu Dhabi but it was roving to say the least... first a guest room converted, then I cleared out and took over my dining room and by the end I was shooting in my living room.  My family truly needed to look before they sat!! What was I doing with all those moves?  Searching for the light... In Abu I just didn't have anywhere to shoot without studio equipment. I longed for a big bright space that allowed me the *choice* between natural and electric.


So I didn't get BIG but I definitely got BRIGHT!  It's a great space and I can't wait to welcome many clients to enjoy it with me.   


My husband John did a lot of the heavy lifting... this used to be our formal living room, filled with dark, heavy furniture. I didn't even see it as a candidate for a natural light space because it always seemed so dark in there to me.  John was able to transform the room right before my eyes.   He is seriously amazing and my best supporter. 

We finished it on Monday night, and the first client came on Tuesday morning... it was like at the end of Trading Spaces when the people run around insanely as the other couple is walking through the door! Exhausting but worth it!

I am so so so grateful to have a this permanent, cozy space, that sometimes I have to pinch myself when I walk past it!  I am thinking of having a grand opening party soon to celebrate!!  My dream is to one day have a space that could hold art shows for other local artists and be a cool place to gather as well as a photography studio.  This is the first baby step towards making that dream a reality.  


And *speaking* of babies!!! Until this week I have not had a client under one year old.  Mr. Jackson was my very first newbie customer and I loved every minute of it! At just 9 days new to this world, he was just a little peanut and a bundle of joy.

I've always been partial to b&w photos so it's no wonder that these two with Jackson and his dad are some of my favorite from the session. 

 I love that beautiful toothless baby smile!! 

And one more of the little guy:

For a few more sneak peeks, you can visit my Eileen Earnest Photography Facebook page.

Later in the week, I was visited by the Adkin's family with their precious 8 day old Juliana & 3 year old son, Jackson! I had a wonderful time getting to know this great family~ after our session together I felt like they were friends rather than strangers.  I'm starting work on their gallery today, I can't wait to see all the pinkkk!!!  

All in all, it was a great first week in business here at home in Maryland!  I am so grateful for all the support, encouragement and just plain amazingness of the people in my life, both virtual and physical.  My dream is coming true because you've all convinced me to believe it can <3 




Thanks for visiting!  You can read my other blogs or check out my galleries if you'd like!  I love feedback too, so feel free to drop me a message! If you have enjoyed this blog, please help me share with others by clicking the Facebook/Twitter/ G+ buttons at the top or bottom of this screen. Thank you! x
Ways to reach me:
or... follow me on Twitter @EileenEarnest


Sarah Mondress(non-registered)
You go girl! I am so proud of you and so inspired that you are making it all happen. Such wonderful photo's and great treasures for your new clients :)
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